Christmas is over, New Year approaches quickly and for a large number of people this is a time of reflection, a time to consider how the coming New Year can be the point of making a fresh change in the way we live our lives.
Is it a matter of Health, Wealth , Happiness or all three that you may need to consider, in order to improve YOUR life ? Well, only you can decide that. After all it is your life, you know what you are happy with and what you're not happy with, you know how you would prefer things to be. So what are you waiting for ? Do something about it. Make it happen, whatever that may be. Take back control of your life and do it now !
The first thing to always remember is that you are in control of your own destiny. If you believe something can happen and you really, really want it to happen or change , then it really is within your power to make it happen. I am not saying whatever that is will be easy, but just acknowledge that you have control over what you choose to do, take responsibility for your actions.
Focus on the things you want to happen. Write them down in a list, in order of priority. This could be something, such as the following :
1. Lose weight
2. Stop Smoking / Stop Vaping
3. Find another job
4. Become healthier
5. Drink less alcohol
Then against each one, set a date within the year to achieve each specific goal. Don't forget to be realistic with your time scales, there is nothing like setting yourself up to fail by using unrealistic timescales that are too quick and not viable or sustainable. So decide upon your ultimate achievement date, and write it down next to your goal.
Now you need to plan each goal and how you are going to achieve it. It wont just happen on its own, YOU have to take control. Write down the steps you need to be able to achieve each goal, add to that smaller - timescales to keep you on track, so you can achieve the main goal on time and on target. You now have your plan for change !
Don't try and keep all this information just inside your head, make sure its all written down otherwise It can disappear so quickly. Don't lose sight of what you need to do, so putting it into writing makes it more realistic from the beginning. Use and read your plan sheet as a guide on a day to day basis, keep it close to you and look at it often. Check yourself against it. Am I putting a required action into practice ? Am I on track to achieve my ultimate goal, by my set date ? Am I still focussed ? Ask yourself all of these questions as you progress along your pathway of change. If you find yourself a bit off track, make a note of this and why you think this happened. Ask yourself what can you do to stop you going off track again, if a particular set of circumstances occurs again, write that down too. Eventually your changed new behaviour will become normal and natural to you, you wont even think about it consciously anymore, it will become second nature. You will then be well on the way to achieving your ultimate goal.
When you have achieved your goals, acknowledge your achievements, be proud and happy with your success. This in turn will help you grow your confidence and your self belief. As your confidence and belief in yourself grows, build in your new life goals towards the life you want. 'YOU can achieve what ever YOU want to achieve in YOUR life.
Hypnotherapy and other therapeutic techniques can be a very successful way to help you become more focussed and determined in your achievements and changes. If you want to make a difference to your Life or talk about how you can help yourself, then please do get in touch with Gayle Vaatstra via the contact request page. Happy New Year, Have a wonderful 2015. Author Gayle Vaatstra (C) 2014